Soldagrav want to provide the best service, we continue to do a series of steps and procedures for quality work in the shortest time possible.     Steps reception:

  • Transport to agree to your needs.
  • Download to ensure integrity of the piece.
  • Discretion and confidentiality.
  • maintain good communication with the client (either in person, by phone, fax, email, instant message computer, video) to get a clear perception of what is desired.

  Research steps:

  • Upon receipt of the piece analyze sketches or drawings received.
  • identified material hardness.
  • anticipate possible deformation and alteration of the piece.
  • treated For welding service, select the technique most adequate (Laser, Microplasma, Tig, etc)
  • Should service be Engraving, analyzed the necessary adjustments in the data files that we have been provided and the ideal positioning of the workpiece on the machine.
  • Initial budget.


  • Apply selected in each case, appropriate to the type of steel, hardness and treatments technical contributions (If nitrided, sulfanizados, etc, we have special rods

We solve these problems:

  • Burr.
  • Breaks and escarbotados
  • Leaks
  • Changing figures.
  • Playing figures wear.
  • Filling worn injection points.
  • Crushed zones.
  • Erosion washes.
  • Break matrices.
  • Interior race.
  • Contributions in hard to reach areas.


  • The necessary adjustments are made in the data files provided.
  • Workpiece is positioned to fit the software and to perform etching with greater reliability and speed.
  • Software is adjusted taking into account the material and depth of engraving necessary.
  • The piece is recorded.

Últimos pasos:

  • Packing security.
  • Photography identifying piece.
  • Transport is established.

All in a small space of time to affect as little as possible in the production process of your company.