The seams resulting from this type of welding are very resistant and less sensitive to corrosion thanks to the protection against the ingress of oxygen provided by the inert gas to the electric arc.
As it has stronger seams, this type of weld is ideal for large volume fillings
The cords are very resistant and less sensitive to corrosion precisely because of the protection of the oxygen ingress that the inert fas gives to the electric arc.
Allows large material inputs when the area to be welded requires it
The seams resulting from this type of welding are very resistant and less sensitive to corrosion thanks to the protection against the ingress of oxygen provided by the inert gas to the electric arc.
This welding technique allows large contributions of material to be made when the area to be welded requires it.
The welding speed is very high
It is the most economical type of welding.
It is less accurate than laser welding and microplasma.
Parts are exposed to higher temperatures, which can lead to deformations.