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Laser Welding

LASER WELDING is based on the fusion of materials by means of the energy provided by a laser light beam, pulsed in a pulse-to-pulse time gap of approximately 1 μs (microsecond).
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logo CastelOmega cliente de soldadura láser
logo Mecánicas Draguer cliente de soldadura láser
Sedal cliente de soldadura láser
iVascular cliente de soldadura láser
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logo KENNAMETAL cliente de soldadura láser
logo LLAMBRICH cliente de soldadura láser
logo RIBA MECANIZADOS cliente de soldadura láser
logo Pines Española cliente de soldadura láser

Maximum precision and guarantee

Some of its advantages over other types of welding.


Maximum precision

Allows material input with an accuracy of tenths of a millimeter


No deformation or shrinkage

Deformation and shrinkage are avoided.



Cold welding" is carried out since the part does not need to be heated beforehand, although the welding may heat it slightly.  

Ideal para diferentes tipos de materiales

soldadura láser y grabación en material de aluminio cepillado
soldadura láser y grabación en material de cobre
soldadura láser y grabación en material de acero inoxidable
Hardened steels
soldadura láser y grabación en material de latón
soldadura láser y grabación en material de níquel
Grabación y soldadura de plata
soldadura láser y grabación en material de acero inoxidable
Stainless steel
soldadura láser y grabación en material de titanio
soldadura láser y grabación en material de acero inoxidable
Unhardened steels

Una a una

Descubre en qué destaca cada uno de nuestros servicios de soldadura o grabación láser
Versatilidad Materiales
Seamos francos

Pros y Contras

Toda tecnología debe ser usada y elegida sabiamente para evitar sobrecostes. Por eso siempre queremos transmitirte las ventajas e inconvenientes de la Laser Welding

High Accuracy

Allows for very precise and detailed welds

Lower distortion

Lower heat input reduces material deformation

Clean welds

Produces narrow, deep welds with less spatter and debris

Material Thickness

Suitable for thin materials and small parts.


Laser technology is more expensive, so it may not be suitable if high precision is not required.


The welding process is slightly slower than microplasma welding.

Preguntas frecuentes

Seguro que tienes muchas preguntas sobre el funcionamiento de nuestro servicio de Laser Welding

Do you have a defined price for welding or engraving?

Yes, we do, however each client is different and our approach is to make a budget totally tailored to you, so that you never overpay.
That's why it's always best to contact us, so we can give you an estimate.

What is the delivery time?

Speed is very important and for us it is common to deliver orders in less than 24 hours.
Although all this depends on the volume and difficulty of the work.
The best thing to do is to contact us and propose your project. When we have all the details we can give you an estimated deadline.

What is laser welding?

Laser welding is a process of joining and joining materials.
It uses a concentrated laser beam to melt the surfaces of the materials to be welded.
This method allows for high precision and high quality welding.

In which applications is laser welding used?

Laser welding is used in industries that require high precision and quality, such as aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, food, pharmaceutical and jewelry.  

What are the key parameters of laser welding?

  • Laser Power: The amount of energy the laser delivers to the weld zone.
  • Weld Speed: The speed at which the laser beam moves along the weld joint.
  • Laser Focusing: Through a magnifying glass we can define the exact point where the welding is performed.
  • Shielding Gas: An inert gas (argon) is used to protect the weld zone from oxidation.


How is laser welding performed?

  1. Preparation: Clean the surfaces to be welded.
  2. Parameter Setting: Set the laser parameters according to the material and type of weld desired.
  3. Execution: The laser beam is directed to the area to be repaired, melting the surfaces to form the joint.



¿Listo para empezar?

Solicita tu presupuesto de Laser Welding

Es muy sencillo. Sólo te pediremos alguna información de contacto y algunos datos sobre vuestro proyecto que nos ayudarán a daros el precio más ajustado.

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